
Child freeze law

September 28, 2016

A new law goes into effect today that allows a parent or guardian to ask the credit reporting agencies to create and freeze a credit record in the child’s name The freeze restricts the credit reporting agencies from releasing information about the child, making it more difficult for an imposter to use the child’s personal information to be approved for credit, loans, or services in the child’s name.

To place a child security freeze, a parent should contact each of the credit reporting agencies. (The major three agencies are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.) The parent must provide proof of authority to act on behalf of the child, such as a birth certificate, and proof of identity for both the child and the adult. The cost to place or to lift a security freeze may be up to $5 each per agency. For victims of identity theft, the fee may be waived. Once in place, the freeze will remain in effect unless it is lifted by the parent or by the child after reaching the age of 16.

In addition to the protections for children, the new law also applies to protected consumers over the age of 16 for whom a guardian or conservator has been appointed.